pdf's not opening up in web browsers
(too old to reply)
2009-09-18 01:36:06 UTC
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)

I have Firefox, safari, and netscape and recently I have not been able to open PDF files from the net.

I read about another person who had a similar problem and so I opened a pdf file that I have on my computer and went to the 'get info' button, and then changed the 'open with' to adobe reader 7.0.7 app' but that does not help.

Any other suggestions? Thank you.
Corentin Cras-Méneur
2009-09-18 15:55:18 UTC
Post by C***@officeformac.com
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
I have Firefox, safari, and netscape and recently I have not been able
to open PDF files from the net.
Check in /Library/Internet plug-ins
You might have the Acrobat plug in there and it's not fuilly compatible
with all browsers.

You might consider deactivating it to let Safari use its native PDF
I believe you con find on the Web a plug-in for FireFox allowing it to
use the same native PDF support and therefore bypassing Acrobat
Post by C***@officeformac.com
I read about another person who had a similar problem and so I opened a
pdf file that I have on my computer and went to the 'get info' button,
and then changed the 'open with' to adobe reader 7.0.7 app' but that
does not help.
Nope, it's a plug-in issue.
You might conside updating the Adobe reader all the way to the current
version 9 too actually (it's free).

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2009-09-18 17:59:12 UTC
Thanks for the reply about updating to the latest Safari browser. That worked.

Regarding my Firefox, I went to 'preferences', to 'applications', to portable document format', then choose my adobe reader, and then that worked too.

I still can't get Netscape to work but that is a minor inconvience as I rely mainly on Firefox.

Thanks again for your timely reply.
Corentin Cras-Méneur
2009-09-18 20:59:49 UTC
Post by C***@officeformac.com
I still can't get Netscape to work but that is a minor inconvience as I
rely mainly on Firefox.
Since Netscape is built on Firefox (but is usually a couple of
generations behind), I was wondering: why still use Netscape??

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