Sorry, I haven't got back to you sooner but have been in the hospital. I do
not have a Mac computer. The computer is a Dell. I changed the home page
to another home page before I shut down the computer for the night. The next
morning when I opened the computer as I mentioned it had a screen that had
ReDirector at the top of the page and the message was that this page cannot
be displayed, etc. I have no idea what page it means. I checked the
diagnose problem and there was no problem with the Internet connection, etc.
The page is there every morning when I open the computer up. I click that
page off and go to my home page and the home page is the day before but I
click on "Refresh" and the current home page comes up. I do think all of
this is connected someway but don't know how to fix it. I do appreciate your
help and would appreciate any other suggestions you have. Thanks again!
Post by Corentin Cras-MéneurPost by BarbaraThanks for your information. I changed the home page and that didn't work.
Had the Re Director Internet Page come up again saying " This page can not be
displayed, etc. It isn't really a big problem just an inconvenience. Again
thanks. If you or anyone else has any suggestions, would appreciate.
Do you have any problem if you launch any other Web browser on your Mac??
Have you tried Safari for instance?
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